Tips for choosing accommodation in Bali during a road trip

In a pandemic like this, choosing accommodation to stay can be said to need more attention. Apart from ensuring that the place is comfortable and has sufficient budget, strict health protocols are now another important factor. For those of you who want to try a vacation by way of a road trip to Bali by private vehicle, consider the following tips for choosing accommodation in Bali:

1. Choose a private villa 

Influencer Julian Ryan Karsten (29) or who is familiarly called JRyan suggests choosing private villa-type accommodation. "Because we minimize meeting foreigners. The villa has four rooms, swimming pool, bungalow, garden. And that's especially for the four of us without other people, ”he said.

Holiday In Bali

With a private villa that was completely special to him and his entourage, JRyan felt safer than staying at a hotel because he didn't meet anyone other than their group. Unlike in hotels, it is still possible to meet foreigners, such as other guests or hotel workers. 

2. Find a location that is not crowded 

Next is to find a location for lodging that is not crowded. While on vacation in Bali on 27 August-1 September 2020, he chose Ubud as the location for his stay. The reason is, Ubud is not a too crowded area in Bali. Different like Denpasar or Kuta. "The villa area is far from its neighbors. So, my friends and I really wanted to go on vacation, but to minimize meeting people, "he said.

In line with JRyan, Reymond Adnan Ibrahim (35), who had a road trip to Bali in early February 2020, suggested looking for an area that has a comfortable parking space. “Many cheap places in Bali are in the Legian area. But if you bring your own car, you must pay attention to where you can provide parking or not. In the Kuta area, it is difficult to find parking, ”said Reymond.

3. Strict health protocols

The most important point is to make sure the lodging we choose has implemented strict health protocols. At that time, JRyan admitted that he knew the owner of the villa he was staying in, so he could freely ask questions about health protocols. He is also more confident that his health and hygiene protocols are well maintained.

To be sure, you can check reviews of the inn on social media or the online travel agent (OTA) application that you are using. You can also call the inn directly to make sure the protocol is strict. 

4. Try an apartment 

If JRyan prefers private villas, it's different with Reymond. At that time he was living on vacation in Bali for approximately one month. Because he had a long time, he chose to live in an apartment. Apart from being more comfortable and comfortable, you can also save on your budget because the rates will not be as expensive as ordinary hotels or villas.  Apartemen Di Bali, The Ambengan Tenten is a 3-storey Flat Residences located in Jalan Imam Bonjol Denpasar which is managed by an experienced operator in the operation of hotels, apartments and villas.

5. Look for promo prices. 

Prices that are cheap and fit in the pocket are the next consideration. To find lodging at low prices, you need to look for promo periods that are often held by OTA. You can also try checking the inn's official website. Usually at times like this, they will reduce the rate per night so it's cheaper.

Also find the right date, avoid long holidays or weekends that are often used by many people for holidays. Reymond suggests using the Airbnb app to find places at low prices. While JRyan chose a new inn which opened in September 2020, to coincide with his vacation period. Newly opened lodgings usually issue promo prices. As he got, this private villa has a promo rate of IDR 2.5 million per night which is arguably quite cheap for the size of a private villa in Ubud, Bali. 

6. Choose those that have complete facilities. 

Complete facilities are another consideration in choosing accommodation. According to Reymond, if you are going to stay long enough in Bali you can consider living in an apartment, one of which is because of the complete facilities. "There is a kitchen set, so you can cook yourself, so you can save your budget too," he explained. In line with Reymond, JRyan also chose private villas that have very complete facilities. Ranging from private swimming pools, kitchens for cooking, gardens, dining areas, bungalows for gathering, to barbecue utensils.

This article has been published on with the title "6 Tips Pilih Penginapan di Bali Saat Road Trip", Click to read:

Author: Syifa Nuri Khairunnisa

Editor: Anggara Wikan Prasetya

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